LSD and Mexico Part I

I recently went to Mexico with the New Orleans Boxing Club to document fight week for its team of professional fighters.

Here are some of my favorite shots from the first half of trip, as well as really straight forward first-person video recap. We'll be posting more stuff like this going forward. Hope you guys enjoy.

David Garcia New Orleans Boxing Club

Felix Malespin Quincy Lavalais New Orleans Boxing Club



Leo Garcia Boxing Gloves


Justin sippin' coffee


Fern and his dog.


man in the mirror
Jilly bean on a run.
David Garcia in likesushi
Chase fuckin' Dixon
Johnboy and Chase tearing down the mall.
Leo Shades
Chico vs Fern 1
no free coffee
Jarrell Allen
David Garcia WAR
El Flash
Chase fuckin' Dixon 2
What the fuck is going on at weigh ins?
Johnboy vs El Gato
Netflix shit
John Boy as Bane